Daftar Dosen

Ir. Bambang Indrayadi, MT.

Head of Compartment of Manufacturing Systems 

Ir. Nasir Widha Setyanto, ST., MT., IPM., ASEAN Eng.

Head of Compartment of Quality Engineering and Reliability Engineering

Ir. Yeni Sumantri, S.Si., MT., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng.

Head of Compartment of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Arif Rahman, ST., MT

Head of Compartment of Industrial Optimization and Information Systems

Remba Yanuar Efranto, ST., MT., Ph.D

Head of Quality Assurance Unit

Ir. Endra Yuafanedi Arifianto, ST., MT.

Head of Compartment of Business Engineering and Industrial Management

Ir. L Tri Wijaya N. Kusuma, ST., MT., Ph.D.

Head of Undergraduate Program

Dr. Eng. Zefry Darmawan, ST., MT

Head of Lean and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Laboratory

Ir. Wifqi Azlia, ST., MT., IPM

Head of Quality Engineering and Data Analysis Laboratory

Rakhmat Himawan, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D

Head of Basic Engineering Science Laboratory

Debrina Puspita Andriani, ST., M.Eng., Ph.D

Head of Capstone Design and Final Project Studio

Ir. Dewi Hardiningtyas, ST., MT., MBA

Head of Compartment of Ergonomics and Work Systems

Ir. Ihwan Hamdala, ST., MT., IPM.

Head of Business and Supply Chain Engineering Laboratory

Rio Prasetyo Lukodono, ST., MT., Ph.D

Head of Ergonomic, Work Design, and Product Innovation Laboratory

Angga Akbar Fanani, ST., MT.

Head of Optimization, System Information, and Decision Support Laboratory