Academic Procedure

Flow diagram of all procedures that related to the students can be downloaded at the following link  :

No.Document Name
1Educational Guidelines Academic Year 2020/2021  |  Educational Guidelines Academic Year 2022/2023
2Document of Curriculum PSTI
3Subjects Workflow
4Practicum Workflow
5Task Workflow
6PKL/KKN-P Submission Workflow
7Thesis Workflow
8Proposal Topic Workflow
9Thesis Proposal Seminar Workflow
10Thesis Result Seminar Workflow
11Thesis Examination Workflow
12Judicium Submission Workflow

Here is a New manual Scientific Writing Students of Industrial Engineering (PKL and Thesis):

No.Document Name
1Manual guidance of Final paper for Undergraduate, Magister, and Doctoral Program of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (Provided in Indonesian only)
2OUTLINE for writing proposal and final project/thesis report

Observer Sheet:

No.Document Name
1Proposed Research Topic
2Thesis Monitoring Sheet
3Observers Proposal Seminar
4Observers Seminar Result
5Semhas Activity Card
6List of Present

The following documents need to be completed for judicial purposes :

No.Nama Dokumen
1Plagiarism Check Submission Form (Contact Bu Utin)
2Plagiarism Free Certificate Submission Form (after plagiarism checking)
3Free Reading Room Dependencies
4Laboratory Letter of Statement

Form S01 dan S02 :

No.Nama DokumenLink Dokumen
1Requirements of Bachelor Degree Examination (Form S01A)download
2Personal Data of Studentdownload
4Form S01-Bdownload
5Form S01-Cdownload
6Requirements Following the Graduation Ceremony (Form S02)download
7Prospective Undergraduate Portfoliodownload

Independent Internship Form :

No.Nama DokumenLink
1Independent Internship Cover Lettersubmit
2Group Independent Internship cover lettersubmit

Internship Submission Form (online) :

No.Nama DokumenLink Dokumen
1Internship Sheetdownload
2TI01 dan TI02download
3Internship Report Completion Formdownload
4PKL Completion Formsubmit

Internship Report (online) :

No.Nama DokumenLink Dokumen
1Systematics Internship in Companydownload
2Systematics Internship in Lecturer Research (Pengabdian Dosen)download
3Systematics Internship in Lecturer Research (Pengelitian Dosen)download
4Systematics Internship in Literaturdownload
5Systematics Internship with Certified Coursedownload


*) All download file are provided in Indonesia only.